Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Horror Movies:Tips And Advantages

What makes people watch scary movies is the fear factor. What you can do to lessen being scared is that you can watch less gory movies first and then when you become used to it, you can level up in terms of the intensity of the scary movie. Remember that there are different levels of scariness so you can select horror movies to watch. You can find a lot of horror movies that shows blood but are not really that scary compared to some which do not but have great effects. Check out the link to get more ideas on upcoming 2012 horror movies.

You can cover your eyes with your hands but in a manner that allows you to peek. You may cover your eyes in parts that are really scary. You can open and close your fingers as you continue to watch the movie. You have to remind yourself that you are only watching a movie and it is not real.

You can watch the "behind the scenes" of the movie. If you will be doing this, you will begin to analyze how the scenes are made and become technical about the movie and hence you will no longer feel scared. Take note of the background music because it can tell you that the scene will be going to be scary.

Here are Some Tricks:
1. Never view a movie that is scary on your own. Get your friends or family members to watch with you. This trick is helpful.

2. You can screen scenes to full watch with attention and cover your face in scenes that you will find it hard to watch like a killing scene for example.

3. Of course if you cannot really handle any intensity of horror then it is best to shun away from horror movies.

4. You laugh at parts where the effects are not done well.

It is a natural reaction for people when they are watching a scary movie to be scared. In fact that is the reason why people watch horror films. People want to feel the thrill and excitement and horror movies can give just that without you having to spend so much.

Yet another benefit of watching horror film is it will be an excellent bonding activity for the family. When the scene flashes scary parts of the movie, the tendency of the kids to cuddle closely to parents is high. Moreover, as a person, you will increase your fear threshold and in effect you do not panic right away. You become more level-headed and can assess situations if they are urgent or not. With these benefits along with the fun, it is great to watch scary movies once in a while. For more information about top 10 horror movies, follow the link.

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